Laura Pinkstone: Our beacon of innovation in tech

 Published: 23 November 2023

In the dynamic world of technology, where innovation is key, it's the human touch that truly makes a difference. In this spotlight, we're thrilled to highlight the achievements of Laura Pinkstone, our esteemed Head of User Experience. Laura's journey is a shining example of how empathy and understanding can revolutionise technology and design.

Laura's human-centric approach to tech

In the intricate space of technology and design, it is often the human-centric approach that sets a project apart. Laura’s unique capability to marry user needs with technology solutions has made her an invaluable asset to our team and to the field at large.

Laura’s unique set of skills extends beyond the boundary of her job description. She is not just about achieving operational milestones; she's about transforming the way products are built, experienced, and loved.

From non-technical background to tech virtuoso

Laura's extensive involvement in various projects, from website design to complex apps, is astounding, especially considering her non-technical background. She's skilfully led several projects, including a chat GPT project and a complex app, displaying an extraordinary aptitude for project management.

Acclaim from industry leaders

Nathan Baranowski, CEO of Digital Wonderlab, summarises her contributions: “Laura is never afraid to jump into new territories and apply her skills. She has a real knack for understanding the needs of our clients and their users, bringing ideas to life. She is a huge asset to the team”.

Beyond technical delivery – humanising technology

Laura’s unique set of skills extends beyond the boundary of her job description. Her impact lies not only in the technical delivery of products but in rendering those products usable and intuitive for the end-users. She is not just about achieving operational milestones; she's about transforming the way products are built, experienced, and loved.

In a landscape where technology is often at the forefront, Laura Pinkstone has mastered the art of humanising it. Her achievements stand as a vivid testament to her expertise and vision in the field of User Experience.

Inspired by Laura's story and looking to enhance your own user experience strategies? Let our team of experts, led by visionaries like Laura, help you transform your technological ideas into intuitive and impactful solutions.

Author headshot
Heather Durig Marketing Manager
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    Author headshot
    Heather Durig Marketing Manager


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    Kevin Triggle and Laura Pinkstone speaking at Kevin's desk